Can We Control the Weather?
Can We Control the Weather?
Problems with the leadership at work, current world events, too much rain, heat or cold–we can easily get stuck in frustration and worry about things like this, eventually affecting every aspect of our lives. Thing is, how do we free ourselves of so much negativity? Complaining doesn’t help, unless you complain to those who can make changes, right? Who wants to be that person who constantly complains about the weather?
Many life coaches, leadership trainers and good-advice givers suggest that in order to be rid of frustration in our lives, we should use Stephen Covey’s idea of concentric circles in order to, in theory, stop complaining about the weather.
In his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey suggests drawing two concentric circles with the first circle as our area of Influence, and the outside circle as our area of Concern. Concentrate only on the circle of Influence–things we have the power to influence or change. He advises that we disregard those in the area of Concern over which we have no influence or power. If we don’t disregard them, they could eat away at our well-being!
Think about it–how much time and energy are we wasting through worry and frustration over things that we have absolutely no control over? When frustration starts to set in, we can imagine the circles as a reminder that we have influence over very little in the grand scheme of things. Take care of what we can, and let the weather take care of itself!